8/29/24 Steering Committee Notes


  • Overview of DEP’s response to complementary solutions

  • IDDE Updates

  • Overview of UV sampling

Overview of DEP’s Response:

  • Ozone Disinfection

    • DEP feels as though EPA is unlikely to permit this technology

    • Substantial electricity needs

    • Zooplankton data is positive, but they need to see data on impact on macroinvertebrates and vertebrates

  • UV

    • Feasibility concerns but supportive of exploring further

    • Question about efficacy in flow with high turbidity

    • Potential permitting challenges

  • PAA no longer an option

  • IDDE

    • Still the highest priority

    • No feedback at this time on current efforts

  • Outfall not mentioned

  • Catchment basins - DEP recommendation to increase cleaning

    • LWSC subsequently committed to increase

    • Also asked DCR, EEA said DCR had already increased, waiting on DCR’s response as to current frequency

Committee Conversations

  • UV

    • Have gotten 4 of 6 samples that were planned (as part of plan vetted by DEP/EPA). All 4 so far have been positive. Sample with high turbidity still needed.

    • Kleinfelder will obtain a sample with high turbidity for UV testing; however, Kleinfelder noted the intent of the UV system is primarily to function during dry weather periods, during which UV has already been proven to be effective. 

    • DEP cited possible permitting challenges for US EPA.  In previous meetings with EPA in which permitting pathways were discussed, these concerns about the process of permitting a UV pilot were not expressed. This concern should be clarified.

    • Concerns from Swampscott about placement of permanent facility

    • Considerations for potential UV pilot

      • Dave (Kleinfelder) will reach out to Trojan for a photo of the pilot trailer and check for availability for 2025, start thinking more about logistics

      • Flow data from 2017 provided by Save the Harbor/Save the Bay is the only known flow data available to size the pilot

      • Would flows be combined? Or separate from each other?

      • Needs power, diesel generation, pumps, piping 

      • Blocking portion of the roadway, heavy traffic area

      • Data perspective

        • The UV sampling gives all the data we need for certain water quality results

        • Pilot would be useful to test logistics and to open beach for summer

      • Possible to have the UV pilot while pursuing funding and study for outfall extension

    • Lynn & STHSTB applied for technical assistance for EPA Community Change grant

  • Outfall

    • Committee agrees this is a potential long term solution

    • Funding is a challenge (both for identified necessary planning studies and ultimate implementation)

    • Concern about length of implementation and permitting risks

  • Ozone

    • Chris shared that the majority of DEP feedback has already been addressed/acknowledged. Chris plans to continue to investigate open questions and understand the path to permitting used in regions 4 and 5

    • Escaping ozone to atmosphere is minimal, needs to be demonstrated

    • Spoke to Ohio State University – did not study the effects on fish, which could require additional studies

    • Highly unlikely the US EPA would permit something harmful to wildlife, though this is being used in environments in region 4 and 5

    • Rep. Moulton and Sen. Warren’s office offered to share insight and connections to EPA to support continued investigation.


  • Fisherman’s Beach – open to bid

  • IDDE Phase 2 – split into three phases, 2 of 3 have funding for construction work

  • Applied for SRF to fund construction Phase 2B 

  • According to the Town of Swampscott, ~$400K will be allocated towards all King’s Beach-related complementary solution studies 

    • According to the Town of Swampscott, $50K will go towards an outfall study 


  • IDDE CCTV / heavy cleaning program nearing completion 3 miles left of 21 miles, handful of hookups missed by CSO project identified and removed

  • Field-screening, dye testing, and smoke testing for identified question areas will continue once CCTV wraps

  • Dan (LWSC) – Proposed that we inquire about chlor/dechlor as a temporary solution if UV falls through


10/21/24 Steering Committe


Steering Committee 5/22 Meeting Notes