Steering Committee 5/22 Meeting Notes

King’s Beach Steering Committee Meeting
May 22nd, 2024 Meeting

Updates on UV

● Favorable results with UV bacteria removal so far
● Kleinfelder is looking to collect further samples
● Kleinfelder will share intermediate results with EPA and DEP ○ Hoping to show the positive results and overall efficacy ○ Hear any thoughts or comments from EPA and DEP
● Dave (Kleinfelder) will send a draft email to Lynn and Swampscott on the interim sampling

Updates on PAA
● Unsuccessful – chemicals were not being properly consumed
● The levels of bacteria remained the same before and after chemical treatment
● With two different chemical suppliers, PAA was not working as expected
● 3 out of 5 steps for PAA testing were done – the recommendation is to cease the benchscale test

Updates on Ozone Disinfection
● Still awaiting results (**results were received post-meeting and showed successful disinfection)
● Green Water Solutions will have the lab results (at this time, it has been over 24hrs)
● Expected cost to fund ozone disinfection is $15M
○ Question about Vendor’s capital structure and financial capacity to do project
○ Chris M. will follow up on these questions
● Unsure if this technology will be able to be permitted
● DEP is currently reviewing the work and data of ozone in Ohio to see if it can be replicated in Lynn/Swampscott
● If results show efficacy, which we expect they will, the main question is regulatory, DEP is reviewing and will give us feedback

Updates on IDDE
○ There is a mile of pipe left to do CCTV
○ Complete inspection by Week of 5/27/24
○ Found 3 additional connections, one was remediated, other two being scheduled
○ If needed, will be more aggressive with dye testing and communicating with residents to get it done
○ Awaiting IDDE progress report from EP/LWSC

○ Will begin CCTV work, estimated to be complete in approximately 3 weeks
○ Want to begin adding cameras to the storm drain system
○ Looking to increase budget for CCTV?
○ 2nd round of storm drain water quality testing in progress
○ Hoping to do a sewer rehab design by the end of this year
○ Will introduce smoke testing in Swampscott soon
○ Phase One IDDE work paused for now but will restart soon
○ Focusing on Phase Two (CCTV)


8/29/24 Steering Committee Notes


Swampscott's King's Beach Cleanup Faces Daunting Challenges