1/21/25 Steering Committee Notes

Tuesday, January 21st, 2025 at 1:00PM


UV Pilot

  • City of Lynn is working with the Town of Swampscott and Kleinfelder to work on implementing a UV pilot for May 2025

  • The cost estimate is currently $700,000

  • The UV equipment was put out for bid – The City received one from Trojan

  • Kleinfelder is working on an intermediate memorandum

  • The intermediate memorandum should be enough definition for Swampscott’s Select Board to ask for approval

  • Currently awaiting support/vote of Swampscott Select Board to approve the UV pilot

  • Open question remains as to a determination on location for a permanent or semi-permanent facility should the pilot succeed. Steering committee wants to hear community feedback before proposing something concrete.

Town Hall

  • Hold off on hosting King’s Beach town hall for January until after Swampscott Select Board’s approval decision for UV pilot so can communicate plan for this summer

  • Plan for townhall to take place in early March (potential date: March 4th)

  • This will ensure we receive the Select Board’s approval/vote on the UV pilot before the town hall


  • Lynn

    • Continuing IDDE investigation work, dye testing, and CCTV; 3 miles of the 21 left

    • LWSC working with LPD on traffic management plan for remaining areas, which have heavy traffic

  • Swampscott

    • Phase 2 - Stacey’s Brook Area IDDE is mostly wrapped up and the Town is completing the design of three construction phases (Phases 2A, 2B and 2C) to perform sewer system repairs.

    • Phase 2A, which is the first of 3 sub-phases to go to construction, is currently in the bidding phase.  Bid opening is scheduled for January 30, 2025.

    • Phase 2A construction funds are in place.

    • Town will pursue SRF funding for Phase 2B.

  • In regards to Floating Bridge:

    • In the fall of 2024, the LWSC IDDE program added screening for presence of avian bacteriodes (e.g., ducks and geese) at the outlet of Floating Bridge Pond, which drains to Eastern Avenue and then King’s Beach. There were no significant results from that screening event, but it will be evaluated again in the future.

  • In regards to Fosters Pond:

    • The LWSC IDDE program has previously screened surface water coming from Foster’s Pond within LWSC’s open and closed drainage system within the City of Lynn. Future screenings could include bacteriodes screening for canine and avian sources.


  • Community Change Grant (CCG) updates

    • Status Uncertain - Per Senator Markey’s Office: There may not be any new rounds of funding due to Trump administration

  • Ozone Nanobubble (NBot) Technology Update

    • Steering Committee has solicited more detailed information from Dr. Peter Moeller at NOAA, who carried out studies of NBot impact on non-target species. Save the Harbor is sharing this information with MassDEP to advance this as a permitting possibility.

    • As background/baseline:

      • It is difficult to reach 1 parts per million (ppm) in open water applications

      • Typical Range is 0.1-0.4 ppm in open water applications

      • 6 seconds of exposure at .5 ppm can destroy 99.99% bacteria (https://www.oxidationtech.com/blog/how-much-ozone-do-i-need-to-destroy-bacteria-and-viruses/)

      • As a comparison, OSHA limits are .1ppm for 40 hour exposure, and .3ppm for 15 minute exposure (https://spartanwatertreatment.com/ozone-safety/)

      • Summarized results of non-target species impact studies:

        • Mummichog - no effect up to 2 ppm, a level that is unrealized in open water

        • Grass Shrimp - no effect up to 1.5 ppm. Some stress noted at 2 ppm (As comparison, grass shrimp fatality occurred in the lab after 3 hours of exposure in 100% ozonated water)

        • Redfish and Oysters showed similar results

        • Green Solutions (one of the NBot Companies that would submit a bid on this project) also provided renderings and maps for location and construction of the NBot facility (below)

          Either one shed of this size or two smaller would be required based on pipe system assessment once contract was awarded


10/21/24 Steering Committe